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A microchipping program dedicated to making sure cats are safer. 


One of the most frustrating things for us is the number of cats that remain unchipped, despite running the biggest microchipping program in the Southern Hemisphere, Chipblitz.


Having recently looked at the statistics from Dogs and Cats Online (DACO), it’s estimated that there are 397,444 owned cats in South Australia with 255,089 of those living in the metropolitan area (2019) and only 61,773 (24 per cent) of them microchipped AND on DACO (included is Gawler, Mount Barker and Northern Areas Council). Of course there would be quite a few chipped prior to 2018 before the current legislation came into effect


Our original event was held on the 18th November 2023 as a massive blitz on cat chipping,  held across metro Adelaide and in targeted regional locations.  PETstock generously offered us the use 11 stores across the State to set up with 15 volunteer implanters and a team of volunteers to assist. 


The most significant part of this program, called goZEROSA, is that our intent is to offer this service free of charge to cat owners. Our aim is to give people ZERO excuses to not have their cats chipped. It will be a cat only day so that it removes the last barrier for people scared to take their cats where dogs are also. Lost Pets of SA (a trading name under our umbrella organisation Pawthority Group Inc) will be funding the microchip and processing of all data into DACO. 


People Q are proudly supporting this program covering additional costs.


goZEROSA is now held at various venues across SA as they become available.


From Melina Lipkiewicz, Co CEO and Executive Coach - People Q


"At PeopleQ, we are driven by our purpose and giving back to the community.  Recently, our founder, Melina Lipkiewicz lost her British blue Winston.  He was found by a good Samaritan in a critical condition and this act saved his life.  Now we want to do the same for other pet owners and that's why we are supporting this wonderful initiative to ensure every cat in South Australia has the opportunity to be microchipped."

Proudly supported by


Lost Pets of South Australia Inc

ABN 51225404235

PO Box 164 BROMPTON SA 5007

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